Monday, June 8, 2009

Resons for not getting into an IT job

IT here is not Income Tax, its Information Technology.

Albert Einstein said "Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it.". I feel the same about IT. Being myself an IT professional I really feel Im not into a life that I wanted when I got into this field. I agree there are a lot of truly satisfied people in this sector who scream that they love their job. But you show me one such person Ill show u 100 people who don't. To be honest it could have been a great job, if I dealt with what it stands for, finding new innovative ways to create, store transfer and do etc etc with Information. But unfortunately most of the jobs that we have in the industry today either deal with creating website, maintaining servers or customer support and I swear these things do get boring after some time.

Well you might say its my fault I got in this field, thats true and I dont want others to do the same mistake, so I have desided I will today take a giant step and save the next generation by writing this blog.

Reasons to avoid IT industry.
  • Its not challenging as people assume it to be, infact its very monotonous.
  • After spening 2-3 years in it. You hardly get an opputunity to learn any thing new. You have to continue doing what you have been doing.(I agree the 2 points are very similar.. never mind)
  • You leave for work early along with the whole other working community but there is no guarantee when you will get back.
  • You sit in a cubical whole day, looking at a box. Your perception of nature is wallpaper.
  • You'll never come to know how hard its raining outside or how cold the temperature is For you weather is always 25 degrees celcius
  • Socialising becomes online chatrooms and blogs are the only place to vent out frustrations.(The social life sucks)
  • It gets tough to fall in love. Women may love showing you off as a friend but nobody actually wants to date you.
  • The worst part is nobody actually beleives that you are working hard, for them you are sitting in an air conditioned office whole day.
  • The more you get promoted the more the life sucks.
  • Last but not the least there are hardly any beautiful women in this sector (unlike the general perception).
The list could go on and on but I would like to stop here. If anyone reading this feels like they can add it in the comments.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mr. Dhoni is Angry

I heard, sorry read in a newspaper that Mr. Dhoni is very angry these days and the reason being media reports that things are not very right between him and Sehwag.

Most of the media is talking about how wrong he was in walking out from the ICC press conference. What I think is GIVE HIM SOME SPACE. I mean he has been doing good work and and is doing so and important event is coming up and why do we need to focus on unnecessary news. He has every reason to get annoyed. These kinds of stories are what create negative vibes in the dressing room.

Another thing I have been noticing is some people are tying to find wherever he makes a wrong decision. Like in the match vs Bangladesh yesterday, first the commentators were unable to understand why did he make the decision to bat first and then they also spoke about his decision to bat at 3rd no instead of sending Raina and how slow was he was playing these days. if India would have lost yesterday these things would have make headlines, thankfully we own.

Well, the bottom-line of what I say is after such a long time we have a team here which is winning consistently. We have a captain who takes hard decisions but also keeps the team together. Why do we have to always look for faults. Nobody's perfect, if we try so hard he will manage to find faults with what he does, says etc etc but do we really need to do that..

When it would be so much better to give him some space.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Its got BORING

The elections are over, the IPL is over. There are hardly any topics to talk about. How more boring can it get? You get addicted to the idiot box and one fine day you wake up to find there is nothing interesting there any more. It really feels bad and also sad.

I feel like a hero of a bollywood flick, lost his girlfriend, family and is not looking for revenge too. Its more like an art movie than a commercial movie. The hero is just sad, and keeps moving on. O!! Now I realize how real are the art movies.

Anyways when something could have brought a respite, the producers are also on strike. I couldn't find any multiplex showing Angels and Demons too.. I hope I dont get in depression because of no entertainment.

Thankfully The World 20-20 cup is starting. Lets hope for the best and look forward to an exciting event.

P.S. Lets hope the Producers strike ends too.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A SHOE is mightier than PEN!!!

The show throwing incident, a foreign phenomenon, has found its real root in India. And why not? we are the biggest democracy in the world. And isn't shoe throwing another symbol of democracy?

I mean after all it just proves that we indians, along with the 6 fundamental rights, have found another right -- The right to throw shoes. I can already hear celebrations, after all, this is one final right that we may actually get as Indian citizens, as I see most of the shoe throwers are being let off.

Thats the power of elections. Wow, just imagine the possibilities if we had elections every month instead of 5 years.. wouldn't that be great. All power will always rest in the citizens, politicians will remain on their toes.

And the best part shoe companies will do great business. Now that could be a really good news in these times of recession. I think Im going overboard with the topic. I would leave the discussion of Indian economy for some other day.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How More Real can it get?

Television these days i all about reality show. Nearly every channel has it, and why not? They are popular and entertaining.

Their popularity has soared so much that today we have a channel totally dedicated to them. I never watch that channel though I am myself hooked to a lot of reality shows like Rodies which ended today with Nauman as the winner.

Actually I dont plan to talk about these reality shows. What I wanted to talk about was the Greatest of all Indian reality shows----

Hint: This is show is currently being telecast in a lot of channels, and has majaority of Indian audience.
Simple, i am talking about the Great Indian Political drama.

Its great man, very entertaining, gets dirty some time, but then thats politics. This election has been particularly interesting maybe because a lot of young india is getting into voting. Politicians have new clients to fool and they are trying their best. Now what makes this show even more interesting is that you also get to see some of your favorite movie stars.
Apart from that we have action, drama, thriller, suspence and sometimes horror and comedy too!!!! Now isnt that interesting. Where else can you get so much of masala. And with more than a month left for the elections to end. There is a lot to be enjoy.

Switch on the TV guys, and enjoy!!! Feel important because you might not get this show for the next 5 years.

P.S. Do Vote

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The FakeIPL Player

Most of us will be familiar with what I am about to write now. The biggest news of the IPL on web.

The Fake IPL Player

I went through all his blogs today. Now I really don't know if he is actually a player or just someone trying to gain some cheap publicity, and am not in a position to guess too.. (im really bad at making guesses). But there is one thing for sure,he may be a very bad cricketer but could become a very good writer someday.

The guy has all the qualities of a good author.
He has a sence of humour, keeps to the topic, can create imaginary characters for existing once, and the best thing he has a great topic, that can keep readers glued. I think even if he is a player and the team finds him out and kicks him out of the team, an alternate career is ready for the guy.

Well, he hasnt posted for quite sometime and I really wish everything is good at his end cause Im really interested in reading the stuff. Plus he also gives me something to blog about.